Starting from Cairns with our Aussie friends Patsy Hallen and Peter Summers,
we explored and camped and birded our way north for a thousand kilometers
to tropical Cape York. By zig-zags and side trips we managed to include
Mossman Gorge, motorboating down the Daintree River, the rainforest beauty
of Cape Tribulation and the Bloomfield Track, the Lakefield and Iron Range
National Parks, and the exceptional Quinkan rock art south of Laura. Click on these
links for different segments.
Click on any photo for an enlargement. (Your Back button will return you to this Title Page after each segment. Some segments have 2 pages.) • Cairns, Queensland, 7-9 July • Captain Cook Highway, 10 July • Mossman Gorge, 10 July • Daintree Village, 11 July • Cape Tribulation, 12-13 July • Bloomfield Track and Campground, 14-16 July • Lions Den, 17 July • Cooktown and Beyond, 18 July • Lakefield National Park, 19-21 July • Developmental Road North, 22-23 July • Iron Range National Park, 24-25 July • Iron Range to Eliot Falls, 26-27 July • To the Top, 28 July • Punsand Bay, 28-29 July • Punsand to Mary's Creek, 30-31 July • Mary's Creek to Cairns, 1-2 August |